Do you oversee a communications array where you have multiple people working with multiple devices?  With people working in control centres and out in the field with multiple different communications systems, it can sometimes be difficult to manage who to speak to.  For users, too, it can also be tricky to know which device to pick up to speak!

However, telephone interconnect technology will allow you, and your team, to communicate freely and easily through a variety of different devices, all working on the same network.  Crucially, this means that you can connect telephone users to radios across various channels, making it simple for all to communicate.


Telephone interconnect can help you to bring more people together than ever before.  What’s more, it is always likely to be a great cost-saving measure.  Rather than having to pay for multiple device types and networks, you can streamline the process with one bridge for all devices.

Using an analogue phone patch box, or similar, as well as a repeater which may be relevant to your radio network, it is simple to connect up all your different devices under the same digital roof.

This technology could benefit teams and services across various industries.  For example, it may benefit those workers who would otherwise be cumbered down by having multiple devices on their person.  These workers may include security teams and those who need to attend to urgent matters on foot.

Telephone interconnect will also allow those workers who need to make emergency calls connect quicker to resources.  Rather than having to fumble around with additional radios and phones, they can simply call who they need to at the touch of a button.

Reducing radio footprint can be hugely beneficial.  It will help to drive efficiency and productivity and will help workers and responders act quicker in line with immediate demands and emergencies.  Therefore, telephone interconnect may be beneficial in environments as diverse as healthcarehospitalitysecuritymanufacturing and more.


Certainly in terms of saving money, hassle and making matters more efficient for all, telephone interconnect is a revolutionary service.  It is likely to drive down concerns over reaching people spread far and wide, as well as those relating to phone contracts and radio licensing.

While it is generally a good idea to ensure your team are all working through the same radios and units, it is sometimes difficult to ensure this is ever the case.  Therefore, telephone interconnect may help to make matters smoother and less of a financial and planning headache for all involved.  Why not take a look at devices supporting the service?